Tooth Extraction in Billings, MT

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth occur when there isn’t enough room for the teeth to emerge into the mouth or grow normally. Wisdom teeth can be impacted at various angles, such as:

  • Straight (vertical)
  • Sideways (horizontal)
  • Distal
  • Mesial

Reasons for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Infections and Gum Disease

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause infections and gum disease due to the difficulty in cleaning the area and the irritation of surrounding gum tissue. One infection is pericoronitis, a localized gum infection that affects the tissue surrounding a partially erupted tooth.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth

Wisdom teeth can cause damage to adjacent teeth. Problems may include:
Physical Pressure: As wisdom teeth grow in, they can push against the second molars (the teeth directly in front of them). This pressure can lead to misalignment of the second molars or other teeth, making them crooked or crowded.
Bone and Root Resorption: In some cases, the pressure exerted by an erupting or impacted wisdom tooth can lead to root resorption of the adjacent tooth. This means that the tooth's root structure starts to break down and dissolve. This can weaken the second molar and might even result in its loss if not addressed.
Increased Risk of Decay: Wisdom teeth can make it difficult to thoroughly clean the rear part of the mouth, especially if they come in at an angle or only partially erupt. This can lead to food and bacteria getting trapped between the wisdom tooth and its neighboring molar.

Cyst Formation and Jaw Bone Issues

Cysts can form around impacted wisdom teeth, leading to the destruction of jaw bone and adjacent teeth. These fluid-filled sacs can progressively enlarge over time, causing damage to the surrounding jaw bone and sometimes even teeth.

In rare cases, the formation of cysts around wisdom teeth may result in tooth displacement, small bumps in the mouth, and structural damage to the jawbone, adjacent teeth, and nerves. Wisdom tooth removal can prevent these complications and protect your oral health.

  • Prevention of overcrowding
  • Avoiding tooth impaction
  • Prevention of cysts and tumors
  • Reduced risks of gum disease and tooth decay
  • Pain relief
  • Reduced risk of oral infections
  • Prevention of damage to nearby teeth
  • Better orthodontic results
  • Prevention of jaw stiffness and swelling

How the wisdom teeth extraction process works

Managing Swelling and Pain

During the healing process, managing swelling and pain is important. Here are some ways to manage these symptoms:

Use ice packs to reduce swelling and provide relief.

Take medications as directed by a healthcare provider to help with the symptoms.

Consider using pain relievers available without a prescription if advised by your dentist.

Follow your dentist’s instructions when taking any medications.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Journey to a Brighter Smile

In your journey to a healthier, happier smile, know that you're not alone. At Thomas Smile Design, we're here to support you every step of the way. If you're a new patient ready to take that first step, reach out to us at (406) 298-4485. For our current patients, your continued trust means the world to us. Don't hesitate to connect at (406) 256-5165. Together, we'll create a brighter, more confident you. Your smile deserves nothing but the very best.